This company is the basis of Ritaş Holding Company. With the foundation of Rıfat Mensucat in 1960 it was being in the textile sector for the first time. Rıfat Mensucat is the most important proof of the entrepreneurship and it was foreshadow of the companies which were going to be founded.
1965 is the first time that we meet Ritaş name in the company history. Even in the 1960’s this company started the first export activities which shows us the long-sightedness of the company management.
1984 is the first time that DOP oil manufacturing activities has started. Thanks to the activities in chemical sector it is also the first time that Ritaş involved other sector than textile. By creating manufacturing portfolio the company management has proved the capabilities of management skills and long-sightedness one more time.
In 1990, acrylic yarn manufacturing started. Riteks brand shows us the awareness of the brand building in the company history.
After building the acrylic manufacturing systems, the investments speeded-up. In 1995, Ritaş increased its manufacturing capacity by adding polypropylene yarn production to its portfolio. Progress and innovation has always been the most important motivation factor. Moreover propylene yarn manufacturing is the trace of the new growth strategies.
All the experience gained throughout the years showed that the growth should be in the direction of raw material and final product. For this reason Ritas implemented fiber production to grow through raw material in the supply chain. This horizontal growth made the company much more strong than ever in the sector.
After fiber manufacturing implementation it was the time to grow in the direction of final product. At this point polypropylene fabric, big-bag and sack manufacturing started. With this development the supply chain from the raw material to final product has been completed. Thanks to the Ritor brand Ritas has become the shining-star of the sector.
In 2000’s Ritaş has continued its investments without slowing-down. By following the innovation and high-technology trends, technical textiles activities has been placed. In 2000 polypropylene nonwoven fabric manufacturing started.
In 2010, new growth strategies have raised and construction sector has been chosen to expand the product and manufacturing portfolio. With İzorit brand membrane which provides water proof in constructions and builds has been producing under the Holding frame.
Ritas, who is continuing to be the leading company on many different sectors with his success, added Pet Preform product in his product range with the RİPET brand name in 2015. RİPET was started to be active in domestic and overseas market and started to make a name for a large mass of business life.